“The greatest sign of success for a teacher is to be able to say, ‘The children are now working as if I did not exist.”
-Maria Montessori
Throughout the year we learn from the inspiring work of others. Our aspirational speakers inspire our young learners to think about where their passions may take them in the future. Where will you go?
In October, Phoebe Graves, a passionate photographer, shared her experiences as a visual adventurer; sharing her stories from other cultures around the world in photographs and discussing the technological advances of the camera.
During November, Dr. Alison Morris, an expert engineer, shared her passion for engineering, and showed us how she develops amazing animal drones as part of her job.
Professor Ling-Pei Ho, a specialist in respiratory medicine and the lungs at The Churchill Hospital, explored the intricate details and function of the lungs.
During The festive season, we were visited by ‘Nitro’ Jen from ‘Bright Sparks’. We had the opportunity to listen to a passionate assembly about the awe and wonder of planet Earth! What a treat. We learnt about how old the Earth is and One student metamorphosised into a butterfly from a tiny egg on a leaf! Another pupil changed into a bird and had to catch some flying butterflies.