PE & Sport
The PE and Sport curriculum at Woodstock CE Primary School develops the enjoyment of physical activity and strives to improve the importance of health and wellbeing. Our intention is to give children the opportunities to develop their skills, knowledge and understanding and apply these in competitive situations, with the vision this provides them with lifelong learning skills. Children are helped to acquire the skills needed to participate with confidence and enjoyment in a range of individual and team activities at school and in the wider community, and to appreciate the place of regular exercise as a way of keeping fit. We ensure that all our pupils receive a well-rounded learning experience when participating in different sporting activities, engaging them in a range of sports to develop a passion for being active, healthy and the confident, and to try new things and build resilience and determination with all they do. Our specialist PE Lead provides high-quality instruction during PE lessons; he also runs sporting activities at lunchtimes; and promotes increased pupil participation in PE & Sport beyond the school day. He is also responsible for overseeing our provision for supporting positive mental health and wellbeing.
Our PE and Sport curriculum covers the knowledge and skills outlined in the National Curriculum and ensures all children are given opportunities to be challenged to progress their learning further. Through the teaching of PE, we aim to deliver the lessons in a meaningful context, giving purpose and wherever possible curricular links are exploited, particularly links with Maths, British Values, mental health & wellbeing and SMSC. All children take part in a minimum of two hours of high-quality PE and sporting activities each week provided by a specialist Sports Teacher who is a member of the school’s teaching staff. Children in Years 3 & 4 benefit from a whole term of swimming lessons. Where appropriate, children in the year groups beyond these may partake in top-up sessions to achieve their 25m before leaving in Year 6.
A well-balanced programme of sporting activities is provided for the children that includes opportunities for expressive and creative movement through dance, as well as gymnastics, swimming, athletics, games, and outdoor and adventurous pursuits. Learning through co-operative and competitive activities helps to promote an understanding of inter-personal relationships. Children take part in sporting activities within the school, and with other schools, including local and county tournaments and competitions. Physical Education is enriched through a wide range of well-attended after-school clubs and activities including football, athletics and hockey. Such opportunities enable pupils to develop personal and social skills as well as preparing them for leisure activities in adult life (cultural capital).
All pupils in Year 6 take part in a week’s residential visit at an Activity Centre. A range of outdoor and adventurous pursuits are offered including abseiling, climbing, kayaking, orienteering, cycling and archery. We value these opportunities for our pupils to participate in physically challenging land and water-based activities, believing they can make an important contribution to children’s personal and social development.
Each year our Sport Teacher organises and leads a Sport & Health Week that enables children to take part in sporting and physical activities they may not have experienced before. Activities such as rock climbing, bootcamp, military drills and gymnastics delivered by a specialist coach are just a few of the experiences we have offered. We also currently hold the Platinum Schools’ Sport Kite Mark and have worked closely with the Youth Sports Trust.
Children’s achievements in PE (both in and out of school) are celebrated in class as well as during Friday’s Celebration Assembly. Children take pride in getting to talk about their accomplishments and we love being able to share in their achievements.
Assessment in PE & Sport: Assessment is ongoing and informs future teaching building a picture of the child’s attainment and progress over time. There are also ‘check-in’ points throughout, and at the end of each unit against the objectives being taught. This gives the PE Lead the information that they need to build a holistic picture of each individual child and enables them to plan further support and opportunities for retrieval; direct teaching and/or adaptation in future units. The subject leader monitors pupil outcomes to identify trends and patterns that inform future curriculum alterations and CPD opportunities.