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We welcome parents into Woodstock CE Primary School believing we are partners in the education of your children. 

There are many opportunities for parents to become involved in the life of the school and to gain a greater understanding of its work. Parents’ support and expertise can be used in many ways and is greatly valued. Police checks and DBS checks are carried out on all adults working in school including regular volunteers.

If you are able to help, please talk to your child’s teacher.


Communication with Parents

We communicate with parents  in various ways, for example through our weekly newsletters, questionnaires, workshops and informal social events. Parents are regularly invited to assemblies, Theme Launch Days, our Annual Open Day and Sports Day as well as children’s performances. 

Parents receive reports on their child's progress each term; in the Autumn and Spring these are short summary reports, and in July a full annual report, together with results of any statutory assessments.  Parents evenings are held after the reports have been sent out each term.

Staff are always happy to meet with parents and carers to talk through any concerns.  The school has a Home School Agreement to support the partnership between home and school, and foster shared dialogue. Parents and others are involved in policy development through consultation and working parties.

The School’s website has a wealth of information including our weekly newsletters, class pages, copies of key policies and curriculum information.


If you wish to receive a paper copy of any documents found on our school website then please get in touch with the school office here.