Raising Achievement Targets
As school leaders we have a statutory duty to promote high standards. As such, we monitor the performance of the School’s work and challenge ourselves to achieve the highest possible standards and quality of education. We build on our strengths and intervene where improvement is needed, accessing appropriate support so that this can be secured.
This Plan defines the direction of Woodstock CE Primary School over the next year. It reflects the School’s values and Christian vision for the future, and shows the improvements needed to achieve our longer term aims.
Rigorous, systematic ongoing self-evaluation is the key to raising achievement and to securing continuing school improvement. Identifying ‘Where we are now’ and ‘What needs to be done to take forward our priorities’ determines targets and actions for school improvement. In formulating the Plan, evidence in answer to the following key questions was evaluated.
- What is important in our learning community?
- Do we actually do what we say we do?
- Could we be doing it better?
- Did we achieve our aims last year?
- What might be the next steps to take us forward?
- What should be our aims for the year ahead?
Priorities within the plan have been agreed by governors and teachers - informed by consultation with staff, parents and pupils, and taking into account national and local initiatives, specific aims for the coming year, the needs of our community, and evidence from school self-evaluation.
Targets focus on the learner and learning, and what needs to be done to improve outcomes for children at Woodstock CE Primary School. Action plans show the activities which will be carried out and by whom, identify the desired outcomes, and details the arrangements for monitoring and evaluation. These are working documents that will be updated regularly in the light of ongoing review.
Targets in our Plan reflect the same four key judgements that Ofsted inspectors make - pupils’ achievement; the quality of teaching; pupils’ behaviour and safety; and leadership and management.