We want all children who come to our school to feel a sense of identity and belonging. We feel our uniform policy reflects the high standards we expect of children and the high standards we achieve across the school. We have a smart but simple uniform that we encourage all pupils to wear. All items of uniform should be clearly named please. Jewellery must not be worn for reasons of safety. If your child has pierced ears, only the smallest of studs should be worn to school and these must be removed for all sporting activities, including swimming lessons. Newly pierced ears must be taped on PE days before your child comes to school. Make-up should not be worn by any pupils at any time, this also includes nail varnish. In the interest of safety, longer hair should be tied back for all children.
School uniform, including sweatshirts, polo shirts, PE t-shirts and PE-hoodie are sold at cost and can be purchased online from PGM. Generic like-for-like coloured uniform would be accepted.
Optional Items: WPS fleece (for outside use only – not to be used as a substitute for a sweatshirt or cardigan), waterproof jacket, gilet, book bag, PE bag.
You can follow this link to order your uniform: Click HERE. The school voucher code for Woodstock CE Primary School is WDSTFC.
Please note that there is a free delivery to school option, with items being delivered in the last week of each term.
Spring/Summer Uniform
Children are able to wear navy shorts with the school polo shirt, and if girls wish they may opt for a blue and white checked/striped summer dress. They are encouraged to bring a sunhat to school in hot weather.
Autumn/Winter Uniform
In the colder months children should wear the school polo shirt and sweatshirt or cardigan, and navy trousers, skirt or pinafore. Children are asked to wear navy socks or tights and sensible shoes (not trainers) in navy or black. Children should come to school appropriately dressed for the weather. For example when it gets colder, a coat, hat, scarf and gloves may be needed.
PE & Games Kit
It is important for pupils to wear correct clothing for physical activities. For PE children require a white t-shirt and navy shorts/navy tracksuit bottoms and trainers, preferably navy or black. Our new PE hoodie is now available to order. All clothing should be clearly labelled. Jewellery must not be worn for sporting activities and longer hair should be tied back for all children.